Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Avast! Jill Be Sellin' A Pirate Story!

Arrr Mateys! Just in time fer International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Which is today -- September 19!

Jill sold a story ("The Sweet Realm") to Shimmer Magazine, for their special upcoming Pirate Issue. The Shimmery folks in charge at Shimmer have made it known that the issue will be out on November 1, but may be available at the World Fantasy Convention at the end of October for those of you who are going.

Jill's story can be downloaded from the Shimmer Magazine website. Please show your support by buying a copy of the magazine when it comes out! Shimmer's pre-order page is here.

Arrr Mateys! Jill hopes you enjoy the story. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!